Education Out of School

Education Out of School

We realize that our human resources is still low, and of course we still have an optimistic attitude to be able to lift the SDM. One of the pillars which can not be overlooked is through non-formal education, or better known outside of school education (PLS).

As we know, that the low HR we can not be separated from the low level of public education, especially at school age. The low quality of human resources is caused by many things, such as the inability of school-age children to continue their education to higher education, as a result of poverty is wrapped around family life, or could have been caused by the dropout rate, the same is caused by economic factors

Therefore, the government needs to be a concern through the spirit of regional autonomy was shaking non-formal educational programs such as Law No. 20 on National Education System candidly and explicitly states that non-formal education will continue to be cultivated within the framework to create community-based education, and government participate responsible for the continuity of non-formal education as an attempt to resolve the nine-year compulsory education.

Within the framework of the expansion and equalization PLS, gradually and will continue to be improved bergukir outreach and community participation and local governments to explore and exploit the full potential of the community to support the implementation of PLS, the Strategic Plan for both the provincial and city districts, are:


Expansion of distribution and reach of early childhood education;

Improved equity, coverage and service quality Kejar Package A equivalent to elementary and junior high school equivalent B;

Illiteracy eradication through functional literacy programs;

The expansion, equity and improved quality of women's education (PKUP), Parent Education Program (Parenting);

The expansion, equity and quality improvement through a program of continuing education courses, study groups of business, internships, scholarships / courses; and

Strengthen and memandirikan PKBM which has institutionalized today in various areas in Riau.

In connection with efforts to increase the quality and relevance of education, then the PLS program is more oriented to market needs, without compromising the academic aspect. Therefore, PLS program can improve knowledge, skills, professionalism, productivity, and competitiveness in seizing market opportunities and business opportunities, then that should be made in the strategic plan are:


Improving the quality of education personnel PLS;

Improving the quality of facilities and infrastructure can expand PLS services, can improve the quality of processes and outcomes;

Improve the implementation of a quality control program through the establishment of competency standards, curriculum standards for courses;

Enhance partnerships with stakeholders (stakholder) as Dudi, professional associations, training institutions, and also

Conducting research kesesuain PLS program with community needs and markets. Similarly, due to an increase in the quality of management education.

PLS strategy within the framework of regional autonomy era, the strategic plan is carried out are:

1. Increasing community participation and local government;
2. PLS institution building;
3. Utilization / empowering potential of community resources;
4. Develop communication and information systems in the field of PLS;
5. Improve facilities in the area of ​​PLS

PLS spirit of regional autonomy focuses on the business of learning in the field of local skills, either individually or integrated. Hopefully they are able to optimize what they already have, so it can work more productively and efficiently, then it is possible they could open up employment opportunities.

Out of School Education to use the learning meaningful, means more market oriented, and learning outcomes can be felt directly benefit both the community and learners themselves ..

In the development of Out of School Education, which needs to be a concern that, in an effort to empower the community would be able to read and seize the opportunities of regional autonomy, outside of school education in the era of regional autonomy actually given the opportunity to do, because of possible improvement and empowerment of communities into the formal education expenses only, but will also have the responsibility of formal education the same. .

Therefore the target of Education Out of School to focus more on early childhood education, basic education, continuing education, and women.

Further Education Schools should be able to form a highly competitive human resources, and is largely determined by the HR younger (early), and the fitting of Foreign Education in schools as an alternative to an increase in HR in the future.

PLS has become the responsibility of society and government in line with Community-Based Education, empower the implementation of PLS ​​as a planner, execution and control, to maintain the philosophy of PLS ​​is better heard than listened to, the Government of provinces, districts and cities are constantly paying attention to the PLS as improving human resources, and PLS as one solution to the problems of the people, especially school-age children who are unable to continue their education, and children age out of school