Create What School ?

One mother said her son "son when you grow up you must be civil servants (PNS) is not hard to let your life, do not imitate the father and mother, who every day must be selling vegetables to the market, let the father and mother are stupid and hard to find money clay neighbors we were high sekolahannya look good life you have to imitate him. " While on the other hand a mother saying "why should it high school? Doctors already there, the minister was there, many of the teachers, the president was there, better cash cow let the school buy more clearly reproduce the results from the need to pay for school, let's see lukman the school was far away but after jobless and now finally finished anggutan driver .. " !

Conscious or not, public opinion is waking ditingkatan on education (schools) as illustrated above. People consider that one of the tools a person's success in school is the extent to which he was able to bring himself on a high social status in the community measure is whether a person is working with elegantly dressed (tie, he wore a shiny shoes, and carrying a briefcase) or not, and whether a person is get rich with his work? If someone who has embarked on education (SLTA, D1, D2, D3, S1, S2, and S3) and after it passed the unemployed then he has failed to attend school. It is this kind of disputes in our society.

Observing the above, does indeed educational practices that have been undertaken there is an error process?, Why education can not provide enlightenment ditingkatan influence society, then what had been done by our education? if the diopinikan society thinks it is a mistake, why is the quality of education in Indonesia is not better than other countries, is not every day continuing education improvement efforts ranging from seminars to law-making national education systems? Or this is what is meant by Ivan Ilich that "SCHOOL is more dangerous than nuclear power. It is addictive! Frees people from the school."

Clearly education (school) is not a process for preparing human-human inhabitants of the plant, let alone looking elegant regeneration was limited to civil servants (PNS), but more than that is what education is an effort to humanize humans. Obviously the process is not a simple thing needs a firm commitment from any government especially the education component of how to position education as a long-term inventasi with products of human-human future that hadal, critically and responsibly. If education is only positioned as a complement to the industry then maybe Indonesia ahead of human beings are human beings who capitalistic, consider the period before the admission / student school year we often found alongside a road from the banners, billboards, liflet, brochures, pamlet and a sticker that reads a capitalistic slogans such as "pass directly guaranteed work, if not money back 100%, those that read" school only to work, here the place "let alone the many schools that exacerbated the image of the industrial style of education which tends to be more oriented to the accumulation of capital rather than the fulfillment of the academic quality of services provided. At last seen clearly how the quality of Indonesian human resources are far from expectations as reported by the UNDP study in 2000 which stated that the Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia ranks 109 out of 174 countries or data in 2001 ranks 102 of 162 countries.

So it is no wonder that people view the world ditingkatan education (schools) to this day as an institutional dealer like civil servants (PNS) an indication of pandangangan can be seen how the public interest is quite high when the opening of the prospective registration of civil servants (CPNS) as if status / academic degree they achieve (D1, D2, D3, S1, S2, and S3) only suitable for office work (PNS) this also is one of the factors that led to the educated unemployment rate increased every year since the error motiv school as a result of the capitalistic school behavior eventually delivered many of the educated mentality "prestige of big-gedean"

Certain things should at least be a reflection of our education that education is not as simple with only mengupulkan then talked to people after that come home chores the next day to school until graduation achievement (school-based toll road), if only the monotony of school activities of this kind then the option to attend school is an option that is very detrimental to the process executable, but if schools do not like toll roads then the option to beinvestasi in education by educating our children is a very smart choice. Therefore it is time to reform our education seriously self-learning in schools especially how it can be run through the principle of critical awareness so that through the power of critical consciousness can analyze, relate and even concluded that the problems of poverty, unemployment, and the other is a system issue not because of problems ladder school. This is what should be important for internalized cargo in each student.

In addition, restoring public confidence that the school was not just a stage to work the office became one of the world education agenda that must be done immediately so that masyarakatpun can understand in a holistic education for what it was born. Such an agenda would be run well if each of the educational institutions to act fairly how the new admissions process was no longer wearing a misleading slogan. Maintain the capitalistic same schools undermine community interests and motivation to participate in the intellectual life of the nation.