Consider the education of children with preparing for future generations. Heart of a child is like a photographic plate that does not display anything, ready to reflect on all that revealed to him. Natural heritage brought every soul on earth, almost all men a bad attitude shown what it is is what is obtained after they are born to earth. This shows that the goodness that is natural while the crime is not natural.

Thinking broadly about life relating to children is not easy. But we must remember that adults often underestimate the capacity of a child's mind, which actually often more willing to understand and better able to understand something than an adult. Although you can not start the education of children with a deep subject, you can always save a great design that you see and want to achieve in front of you.

There was the biggest mistake of modern education, with all the latest methods of training the children, is to have lost something important, namely: a lesson about the nature of selflessness. One might think that someone who is selfless will not be able to safeguard the interests of his own: but in reality do not seem so. People who are selfish to disappoint others and ultimately harm himself. Man is free, dependent on each other, and happiness of each person depends on the happiness of all. This is a lesson to be learned people now as the first and last lesson.

Humans are the result of all of creation, the source of real beauty. The purpose of creation is beauty. Therefore, it is clear that the purpose of life is to grow towards beauty. Nature, in all aspects of a diverse, evolving toward beauty. Therefore, it is clear that the purpose of life is to grow towards beauty. In educating children, the first consideration must be that the seed sown in the beauty of their hearts. When the plants grow he must be treated with patience. Fertility of the plant was the pride of those who planted them so that child development is the responsibility of parents. Parents must learn to be an example for their children. There is no theory that can bring in effect if not accompanied by the practice. Naturally, if the parents wish their children differently and better than them.

The first lesson a child needs is to harmonize thoughts, words, and actions. Everything in this life, physical and mental, react with each other inside out. Therefore, little knowledge about the tone and rhythm is important in early child education. Children should be taught the elements of the pattern pitch of music that will connect with friends, with people who are not yet known to her, with her parents, when playing or being in a same table; in varying conditions he must feel patterns of different pitch. Children should be taught how to make the choice of words when speaking to different people, to strangers, to friends, the maid at home, make the sound louder or softer to do with understanding. A child must be taught to speak and act in accordance with the conditions prevailing at the time. Laughing at the time laughing, serious when seriousness is needed. In everything he does, he should consider and think about the conditions that exist.

Child's mind is more active than adults, for two reasons. The first, a child's mind grows with great energy, which makes active during growth, because the children are always ill at ease both in thought and in action. A child in one room can make people feel there are a hundred kids there. Child is never still, he was happy to use the mental and physical energy in various ways over time.

To become a concern for the education of children should be considered from five different perspectives: physical, mental, moral, social, and spiritual. If one side does not grow and the other side, naturally the child will show some deficiencies in its development.

Thus, the government is certainly responsible for the education for the community. This education should be structured so that both the poor and rich have equal opportunity in a study consisting of five spec education mentioned above. When learning is finished, children can take whatever profession they love. If they want more education they can get it with their own property if they are able (or educational assistance that can be obtained from the government). However important education should be given to every child by the society. Education learning can be summarized and made into a general education learning; children must not only be taught to read and write, but also to have an idea versatile in life and how to live the best for him.

Physical education can be given, even as a baby, with the help of music. A person should be sought to move the baby's arms and legs up and down, and when he grew up he must be taught to do it rhythmically. When the child grew, as she can dance and play several different games, exercise should be taught. In this way the children would benefit, they do not feel bored and take this as a recreation.

In addition, clean and nutritious food needed by the child as he grows. He should also get time to sleep is in accordance with the needs of each child. Simultaneously, there should be time spent resting, and should be done a certain way so that the child who tends to always be active would be happy to make a break.

A child who is growing like a plant. Not only the physical food he needs but also spiritual food. The best spiritual food is to love children and love her back. He should also be taught the balance, to keep his emotions are always there within the limits and certain regions. Children should be taught to use compassion through the sweet expression of thought, speech, and actions. Giving the love that one will spoil the child so that he is rude, arrogant, and indifferent. We should not be excessive in showing our love for children.

Children must learn to recognize the relationship and obligations to all of the existing surroundings. We should let him know what to expect fathers, mothers, sisters, and her brother from himself, because to recognize the relationship to one another is a sign of human character that does not exist in animals. Children must know that he is responsible for all he does, not only to his friends, but also to someone who saw it continuously; that any difficult upheld justice in the world, then there are times and places where the balance of justice will balance everything. Death is only a bridge that must be passed every soul from one environment to another environment. Children must be introduced and the hold on the creator of the universe and its contents is Allah (God Almighty)